
Essentials – Lead Follow Up Scripts

Scheduled Lead Call

Use these scripts to guide your phone calls with a lead that scheduled an appointment with you online. They will help you create a sense of trust and increase your appointment show-up rate.

Schedule Lead Follow Up Voicemail

If your leads feel cared for even in a voicemail, they are more likely to give you a callback. So, make sure to be yourself when leaving them a message and stay positive!

Schedule Lead Text

A text is the most convenient way to communicate with a busy lead. These scripts maintain the caring tone we have carried throughout our communications that will get your leads to respond to you.

Non Scheduled Lead Call

A non–scheduled lead needs to feel engaged in the process and understand how you can help them over the call. Use this script as a guide to communicate with them effectively and make them feel cared for to increase your show-up rate.

Non Schedule Lead Voicemail

Voicemails serve as a great reminder. If your leads feel cared for even in a voicemail, they are more likely to give you a callback. So, make sure to be yourself when on the phone and stay positive! 

Non Scheduled Lead Text

There are many reasons why a lead could miss your calls and voicemails. A text is the most convenient way to communicate with a busy lead. These scripts maintain the caring tone that will get your leads to respond to you.